
About Coach Larry Blomberg

100_4481Coach Larry Blomberg has participated in the world of competitive swimming for thirty years. He is a past member (coach) of USA Swimming; a current member (coach) of US Masters Swimming; a Lifetime Plus Member of the American Swim Coaches Association as a Level 3 Certified Coach.

Larry was a state swimming record holder, state finalist, national qualifier, team captain and a professional triathlete. He was a member of a National Championship High School team and the coach of a YMCA National Championship Team. Larry has coached masters world record holders, Canadian provincial (masters level) record holders, collegiate All-Americans, national champions, senior and junior national qualifiers. His passion is fulfilled from teaching youth and adults cutting edge techniques in swimming. Larry prides himself on the fact that every swimmer he coaches swims faster with him than they did with their previous coach. He teaches swimmers to be proud and self-confident.

About Mike DeLang

Mega Triathlete/Coach
USAT* Level I Certified Coach, CPR Certified

Background and Experience:
Hey everyone, so you are interested in doing a triathlon? Sweet!!! Welcome and how can I help? I have been an endurance athlete almost my entire life, from a young age I always would run longer and further than all my child hood buds. I began my running and triathlon endurance sports career in 1983. My 1st triathlon was the Wycoff Triathlon in Wycoff, NJ. That was the spark that fueled the flame. From 1983 to present I have completed probably close to a hundred triathlons of every distance from sprint to full Ironman. In 1984 I completed my 1st marathon the Philadelphia Marathon. There is no way to keep track of the many races I have completed in the past 25+ years, but my t-shirt drawers are overflowing. In 2005 I competed in the Tri The Parks Triathlon series (6 sprint distance races) with my then 13 yr old daughter and 15 yr old son. I ventured into Adventure racing in 2003 and Ultra Marathons in 2007. To broaden my love and passion for endurance multi-sports I began coaching in 2007. Introducing my passion to so many new and eager athletes has been as exciting and rewarding as the past 25 plus years of racing. To help and inspire everyone to reach amazing goals is more rewarding and inspiring then I could have ever imagined. So, come on out, you can do it!!!! We will TRI, and we will have fun doing it!!!

Triathlons Completed: almost 100 triathlons since 1983 Including 10 half iron distance triathlons and 10 full WTC Ironman races.

Marathons Completed: 13 full marathons and over 20 half marathons
Ultra Marathons Completed: 16 50k’s, 2 100k, and 1 100miler.
Road Races Completed: Hundreds of 5k and 10k races from 1983 – present.
PR’s: Disney Marathon 1995 3:09:02, Atlanta Half Marathon 1994 1:22, Chattahoochee 10K 1997 36:06, Marietta 5K 1997 17:24. Galveston TX, Lonestar ½ Ironman 2007 5:56:18, Ironman Wisconsin 2008 12:58:26